Labor omnia vincit, labor conquers all is our motto.
That’s why hard work is our one-and-only value.
Tanishq Chauhan
CEO of Talanton Technologies
Talanton always there for you
Our team of experts includes quants and software developers who can help integrate our product into your project
Talanton will offer full-range technological consulting and training to complement our software engineering services.
If you are unsure how Talanton benefits your particular domain area or you want to compare us with another approach, we are happy to help.
Proof of Concept
We can perform a PoC focusing on your particular use case for several weeks.
We will support you during the integration process, working side by side with your developers and quants.
We offer training workshops on best practices of the quantitative solutions provided by Talanton. We are happy to do guest lectures tailored for your organizational needs.
Open Roles
Talanton is a remote-first, globally distributed team. We intend to expand our operations in the upcoming months. Stay tuned!